Vancouver Visit

The Episcopal visit to St Thomas Mar Thoma Church Vancouver, British Columbia, was on Sunday July 15, 2012. The parish does not have a place of their own. Therefore, the service was at 4.30 p. m when the local Anglican Church in Surrey became available. The Vicar Rev Biju K. George made all the arrangements with the help of the members of the parish. There were six First Communicants.
Mar Theodosius spoke on the topic ‘priesthood of all believers’ based on the Bible passage St John 13: 1-12. After the kaimuthu service, the first communicants arranged a fellowship dinner and all participated in it. There was a committee meeting of the parish afterwards.
The Diocesan bishop introduced the new book on liturgy and asked them to use it. There was a House warming service at the new house of one of the parishioners. Mar Theodosius returned on Monday.
Rev. Biju K George
Vicar, Vancouver