The community health project is to extend the services of trained nurses to the remote villages in the Mission fields, especially for women, children and the aged. The Diocese intends to appoint two nurses each, to work under the supervision of doctors in at least four areas where Christian Mission hospitals are functioning, During the current year the Diocese appointed two trained nurses each at Beersandra in Karnataka and at Mydukur in Andhra Pradesh.
This is a participatory programme to empower low income groups to educate their children till Standard X. The parents and children have to contribute Rs.10/- per week for 50 weeks. The Diocese or sponsors will contribute a minimum of Rs.150/- in a year to support the education of rural children. Now 40 students have been granted financial assistance from the existing Education Aid Fund. This is apart from the assistance given through the mission fields, organizations and the hostels for boys and girls.
This participatory scheme is intended to empower parents to get their daughters married with dignity. It is meant for the girls who are at the minimum age of 12 and above. The parents have to pay Rs.240 per month and Rs.60 is to be contributed by the diocese or by sponsors. This scheme is to run for 6 years after which, the beneficiaries would get an amount of Rs.25,000. About 82 persons are beneficiaries under this scheme The diocese is getting a good response from beneficiaries and members of our churches also evince interest in this novel scheme. During the year apart from the above under the existing Diocesan Marriage Aid Fund, 24 persons were provided financial assistance
This project was intended to make use of audio-visual aids and other means of communication such as street plays in social awareness and gospel proclamation programmes in our diocesan area. A two day Consultancy programme on HIV/AIDS Awareness was arranged for our missionaries and evangelists in July 2006 at the United Theological College , Bangalore . Twenty evangelists from various mission fields in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu were selected and sent to the UTC, Bangalore for a one day workshop on October 14, 2006. The UTC street theatre team trained the participants. The audio-visual awareness project was inaugurated on November 06, 2006 at a well-organized function at the Mar Thoma Mission Centre, Hoskote. A core committee has been formed to work out the modalities for future programmes. An awreness programme was arranged at Chennai with the help of a team form Gurukul Theological college.We have also arranged similar campaigns at Rayalseema in Andhra Pradesh, Pollachi in Tamil Nadu and in the villages of Sivanapura, Jangamankotta, Chinthamani and KNS Mission fields. This campaign attracted a large audience. As a part of the Gospel Campaign we screened the film 'JESUS' in parishes and mission areas.