How important is corporate worship?
Of late, many who claim to be Christians have questioned the need of joining together with others in corporate worship in a Church. Proud individualism is the root cause of such a question.
It is our belief that the Church, above all, is a worshipping community as we read in Acts 2: 42 and later in vs. 46-47. When Jesus says, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them”, he is also talking of joining others in worship and his presence is pronounced in a special way (Matt. 18: 20). True and full worship is always an act of the whole body of Christ and not limited physically to those present at worship. It spreads its aims to include all the faithful and all humanity while it bows down to worship God (I Cor. 1: 2); and in corporate worship we are one with the celestial worship as well (I Thess. 5: 10)
What is the importance of worship in the life of the Church?
Worship is the highest activity of a person whose sole and ultimate aim is God’s glory. The Church gives primacy to worship for it is through worship that the life and witness of the Church are maintained, and the community united and built up. In fact, it is through its existence as a worshipping community that Christianity should sustain itself.
The very nature of the Church constitutes the need for corporate worship and the neglect of it in a church, however busy about other things, is the surest possible indication of spiritual barrenness.