Trinity Mar Thoma Church, Edmonton

The visit to Trinity MTC, Edmonton began with the Diocesan Episcopa meeting the Youth Fellowship members of the parish on Saturday evening on May 19 at 6.30pm. About twenty youths attended the meeting. It was a time of interaction where the Bishop asked about the youth activities in the parish and in the Region. The youth learned about what the Diocese is doing for the spiritual growth of the members of the New Generation. The youth were asked to cultivate the habit of daily personal devotion and make use of the available devotional notes in English published electronically from New York by the North-East Region. They were encouraged to shoulder responsibilities in the parish.
The bishop met the members of the Parish Choir and practiced the songs and chants for the English service on Sunday. The parish has a praise and worship team.
The Sunday Holy Qurbana service in English started at 9 am attended by the members of the parish from near and far. Bishop Theodosius spoke on how the Holy Spirit was at work in the early church, referring to Acts 4. About 120 people received Holy Communion. The parish choir assisted in the service by singing Hymns and participating in the chants.
There was a meeting to welcome Rev. Rajan Koshy who joined the parish with his wife and two children, who arrived on the second week of May from Pune, India. The Vice President and the Secretary of the Parish welcomed them. The children represented the parish in giving bouquet of flowers. The new Vicar responded by seeking the cooperation of members in the ministry which is to be carried out together. A cake was cut later at the fellowship lunch to share the joy.
The Diocesan Episcopa addressed the parish by pointing out the significance of Pastoral ministry and fulfilling the nature of the Church through ecumenical relations with other Church denominations and outreach programs through Neighbourhood Mission. He also spoke about the various activities in the Diocese and thanked the parish for their support.
The fellowship lunch after the Kaimuthu service gave room for the members of the parish to meet the bishop and the new Vicar. Mothers came with the children for prayer. Members came to renew their acquaintance with the bishop. Members also met the Vicar to extend their support and also to share with him their expectations.
There was a meeting of the Parish Committee in the afternoon to review the activities of the parish with the bishop and to receive necessary guidance. The parish was asked to keep all the records and documents in a locker.
The Diocesan Episcopa took time to visit some of the members in their homes including those who are sick, before he left the parish on Monday May 21, 2012, back to NY.
Rev. Rajan Koshy