The Lost Sea Adventure

This is an awe inspiring tour through huge caverns large enough to hold two foot-ball fields and some
places to hold a two -storey building. Mar Theodosius visited this place with a team of members on
October 11, 2011 after his visit to Chattanooga Mar Thoma Congregation.
This place is 40 miles south of Knoxville and 60 miles north of Chattanooga near Sweet Water village.
One can enjoy beautiful formations at every turn of the tour and explore Huge Caverns. It is an adventure to go through the caverns lit by electricity which other ways is steep dark and it’s terrain at different levels.
One will be wonder stuck to discover some green shrubs here and there which generate oxygen inside.
The temperature remains 58 degrees.
There is a boat ride through the waters inside and the lake is full of fish which cannot procreate. So every
three to five years more fresh fish are filled in the lake. There are fountains in the lake to avoid the water
from becoming stagnant. The fish are fed every time during the boat ride and the tourists can see the size
and strength of the fish that live in the water. This is America’s largest underground lake, which is located
140 feet below the ground level.
There is great delight in seeing the large Rainbow Trout jumping out of water for food. The tour involves a
¾ mile round –trip walk on sloping path ways taking about 75 minutes. One will be excited to see the
strange and unusual rock formations. Very rare anthodites (A Greek word meaning cave flower) in
different colours can be found at some places. Tourists will pause for a moment to enjoy the Crystal Fall
inside. The return to the entrance is a breath taking hike of 140 feet from the America’s largest
underground lake.
It is Fascinating to explore the ancient caves which was found by a boy, but remained lost for about 60
years, as nobody believed the words of a child. Hence it is called The Lost Sea from 18th
Mar Theodosius