The Episcopal visit to the Mar Thoma parish, Delaware Valley, PA was on 10th and 11th of December 2011. The visit started with a funeral service of Rev. K. A. Thomas, retired clergy of the Mar Thoma Church and a member of that parish. The funeral service was well organized and many members of the Clergy and Laity from various church denominations attended the service. The message from the Metropolitan of the Church was read and the Diocesan Episcopa brought the condolence message on behalf of the Diocese. He exhorted the people present to continue life’s spiritual journey with strong hope and deep faith.
The Diocesan Bishop attended an ecumenical meeting with all the clergy and laity of Phiadelphia area to celebrate the Silver jubilee of the ecumenical event there and spoke at the function. Various church leaders and members were present at the function and celebrated the event of Christmas. The ecumenical committee distributed funds to charity organizations in USA and in India as a mark of joint action. The ministry of the Mar Thoma Church among the Native Americans of New Orleans was highlighted along with the ministry of the Church among the children of HIV positive parents in Southern Kerala.
The Holy Qurbana Service in English for the members of the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Parish Delaware valley on Sunday was celebrated by the Episcopa. He spoke from the gospel of Luke on the topic of John the Baptist who came as a gift of God to Zechariah and Elizabeth. He emphasized the significance of parents in carrying out the god given responsibilities and the role of the faith community among the members and the future generation.
The members of the Family Conference Committee and the souvenir committee attended the service and invited the members to participate in the Family Conference 2012. The parish felicitated the bishop on his 22nd Anniversary of the Episcopal consecration. There was time for the members of the parish to interact with the Diocesan Bishop before the Kaimuth service. The fellowship hour gave room for the members who attended the service to meet the bishop. His Lordship took time to visit few families of the parish, particularly those who had medical concerns recently.
Rev. Abraham Mathew and family along with the office bearers of the parish and members of the parish choir made all arrangements for various services which proved to be a blessing.
Rev. Abraham Mathew
Vicar, St. Thomas MTC, Delaware