Special meeting of the sabha mandalam

The Prathinidhi Sabha Mandalam of the Mar Thoma Church met at the Alexander Mar Thoma Valia Metropolitan Memorial Hall, Tiruvalla on March 8th and 9th 2011 to elect candidates to be the Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church.
The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan presided over the meeting. The Valia Metropolitan, Most Rev. Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma and all other Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church along with the representatives of the clergy and the laity were present.
The three candidates, Revs. Dr. Varghese Mathai, Dr. Oommen George, & K. V. Varkey were elected with more than 75% votes of the clergy and laity separately. The Sabha council and the Episcopal Synod will consider the dates of the consecration of the three designates and will be made known to the Church members and to the wider public.