The Annual General Body Meeting of the Senior Citizens Fellowship of the Diocese of Mumbai was held at the St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Vashi, New Bombay on Saturday June 03, 2017 at 10.00am. The Diocesan Bishop, Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius, presided over the meeting. Almost 100 members attended the meeting.This fellowship started functioning from March 12, 2016 when the then Diocesan Bishop, Dr. Thomas Mar Theethos Episcopa convened a meeting of the Senior members at the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Parish, Santacruz and formed a working Committee. The members were asked to have fellowship Meetings in every parish and convene Centre Meetings and Annual camps. The Membership fee for each member annually was fixed as Rs. 50/-
Subsequently a meeting was held at the St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Vashi on July 29, 2016 to consider the by-laws. The draft presented was discussed and adopted. It was approved by the Diocesan Episcopa and was sent to all the parishes on Feb 02, 2017. The present meeting was convened accordingly.
The Annual report presented by the Secretary Mr. N. V. Zachariah was passed. The Annual Accounts was presented by the Treasurer Mr. K. S. Varghese. It was discussed. It was observed that almost 20 parishes have contributed to the Diocesan fund. It was decided to hear the audited accounts of both the years together, after the audit in 2018. An auditor and office bearers for the new three year term were elected along with the centre representatives.
The meeting concluded after passing the minutes, vote of thanks, prayer and benediction. A fellowship meal was served for all around 12.30 noon.
Mar Theodosius +
President, Diocesan Senior Citizen Fellowship