The congregation of the Sehion Mar Thoma church of Dallas, TX was graced by the presence of our Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa during Passion Week.Thirumeni arrived on April 21st, Maundy Thursday, and conducted a Holy Communion service on that evening. Sandhya Namaskaram was conducted in Malayalam, and the Holy Communion was celebrated in English. During the Holy Communion, Thirumeni conducted a special service for the First
Communicants. The twelve First Communicants were blessed to have Thirumeni conduct their First Communion service, which had special relevance on Maundy Thursday. Thirumeni in his message highlighted the significance of Maundy Thursday as the day when Jesus instituted Holy Communion and celebrated the Last Supper.
After the service, Thirumeni posed for photos with the children and their families. Dinner was then provided, and Thirumeni shared a special meal with the First Communicants.
Good Friday service started at 9.30 am and Thirumeni provided leadership to all three parts. Thirumeni
provided an inspirational message based on Salvation through Jesus Christ, and the service was followed
by a traditional Kanji lunch with Thirumeni and our vicar Rev. George Varghese.
After lunch, Thirumeni met with the Young Families and Youth of the church to discuss the future direction of the church in North America. During the discussions, Thirumeni challenged the youth to take ownership of ideas and suggestions and to ensure that future generations feel a part of the church,especially considering that youngsters and future generations consider themselves people of the land.
Thirumeni assured that he and the church are open to all ideas and suggestions.
It was an extremely enriching, uplifting, and stimulating experience for everyone who was fortunate to
have spent time with Thirumeni on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
Rev. George Varghese / Vicar, Sehion Mar Thoma Church of Dallas, TX
Reni Ninan / 2011 Secretary, Sehion Mar Thoma Church of Dallas, TX