The mission activities started here in the year 2013. Evangelist Mr Antony Z K and his wife Gita are working here. The supervision is done by the Promotor Mr Pradeep. The Rev K C Chacko with the help of Rev Roy Thomas ( Nagpur ) is working here. The evangelist -family is supported by the St Stephen’s Mar Thoma Parish , Marol. Thus the fields of both Sakhra and Talodi are covered by the same parish. The evangelists-family stays at Sakhra.
The mission work at Sakhra started when Kannake family and Madhukar Kangantulwar -family came into faith. God started working through them . In two months time, there was a small fellowship which had a 5 member committee. Based on Sakhra, the Evangelist now covers 5 villages and with Chatgao as the centre, he covers 7 other villages. When 7 families joined the fellowship, they started regular worship, Bible study, fasting prayer etc. The group is getting good response in places where the prayer groups are going on. God is working miracles in the life of members. The lives are transformed. Quality in life is visible among the believers. Members gather together for prayer when someone is sick and in need. About 7 families who were not having children for some years of married life are gifted with children. Some women who were possessed are having sound health and normal living. The members believe that these are taking place because they group together and carry out fasting prayer for special needs and God is blessing them.
There are 28 members who are baptised . There are 31 members who are regular seekers. 23 members are asking for baptism. They meet at homes or on the open grounds. They now need a place of worship and look forward for the guidance of God.
This field was visited on Tuesday November 08, 2016 by a team of the diocese. The Diocesan Episcopa was accompanied by the Treasurer Mr. Achenkunju P. K., the Missionary Rev. K. C. Chacko and Promotor Mr. Pradeep.
Mar Theodosius +