The Holy Kassessa Ordination of Rev. Dn. Christopher Phil Daniel of MTC Dallas, FB was held on July 28, 2012 at 8:30 AM at MTC Dallas, Farmers Branch. Believers from all the four parishes in the Dallas area and other parts of the Diocese were also present. After the third blessing during the Holy Communion service, the Deacon read the pledge affirming his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Holy Bible.
He promised to abide by the Constitution of the Church andv pledged to follow the faith and practices of the Mar Thoma Church. The Ordination service began when the Deacon knelt before the Thronos.
Then the public announcement came that he is ordained in the name of the triune God as a Kassessa of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church. Bishop presented the newly ordained Priest (Kassessa) with a Bible and a new Kappa (vestments) after blessing the same. Rev. George Jacob delivered the message during the ordination service from I Timothy 4:6-12.
The felicitation meeting began immediately after the Holy Communion service. Mr. Kelvin L. Varghese and Ms. Cindy Priya Daniel, representing the family, were the MC’s for the felicitation meeting. Rev. Jose C. Joseph Mathew welcomed Thirumeni, Clergy, and all believers to the meeting. Thirumeni, in his Presidential address, reminded the newly ordained clergy to submit to the Lord and to live the gospel to its fullness. Thirumeni reminded that the
Christian minister is to be a blessing to the people he is called to serve. The ministry of a priest is to be relevant, meaningful, and acceptable in the sight of God. Felicitation speeches were also given by Mr. Arun Varghese (youth representative), Mr. Dennis Kurian (parish secretary), and Lal Varghese, Esq. (family representative). Rev. Christopher Phil Daniel, in his reply speech, expressed his gratitude to all those who prayerfully supported him over the past.
During the felicitation meeting, the parish combined Choir sang a special song composed by
Mr. M. J. Andrews, Diocesan Assembly member from MTC Dallas, Farmers Branch. Gifts
were also given by the parish Trustees, Mr. Sunny Jacob and Mr. Cecil P. Cherian, including
a plaque. On behalf of the Sunday School, Mrs. Suja Kurian presented a gift also.
Parish Vice President, Mr. Cherian Alexander, delivered the vote of thanks.
Lal Varghese, Esq., MTC Dallas, FB