Report of the Family Conference

Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists’ Association

Gujarat Centre


Family Conference 2017

At Pastoral Centre, Nadiad from 27th to 29th October 2017



The first 3 days Family Conference under the auspicious of MTVEA, Gujarat Centre was a well thought decision of the Diocesan Episcopa Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Thirumeni. The conference started with the evening worship and inaugural session on 27th October 2017 at 7 p. m.  The Diocesan Episcopa Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius and Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla were the main leaders.  Inaugural session was led by beloved Theodosius Thirumeni. Rev. C. John led Bible study.  First day’s programmes came to a close with Sayana Namaskaram at 10.30 pm.Report of the Family Conference1






Programmes of 2nd day started with Holy Communion celebrated by His Lordship assisted by the Achens.  After Bible study – II by Rev. Saji Thomas, Thirumeni addressed the delegates on the subject ‘Church – The Family of Families’.

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Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla Achen introduced the theme of the conference ‘Making Family Time Prime Time’ and continued with first talk from 11:30 am to 1:15 pm. After lunch and rest the sessions restarted with singing. Ms. Dayabai who arrived in the morning, led the conference from 3.15 pm to 4.30 pm explaining her ‘Life – Ways & Experiences’ which was highly inspiring for all delegates. In the evening Rev. Binu Thomas led bible study and Dr. Joe Joseph Achen led main talk – III. Second days programmes came to a close with talent night programs and closing prayer at 10.30pm.

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Final day’s programmes started with Matin service led by the Achens present – followed by Bible study by Rev. Arun George. After breakfast and singing session, concluding session started at 9.45a m led by Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla Achen followed by sharing experience by delegates. Most of the delegates very positively and inspirationally responded with all the 3-days programmes of the conference. All delegates with one voice expressed their opinion to have such family conference every year. The delegates expressed their views in their written feed backs collected from them.

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The conference was a blessing for Gujarat Centre. This was possible with timely guidance, presence and great leadership of beloved Thirumeni, the Achens of the centre and their parishioners. The very beautiful camp centre was an added advantage for making the conference a success. Thank God for his providence and guidance for the success of the meet.

Rev. D Sunil
MTVEA (Gujarat Centre)