Orlando Marthoma Congregation

Episcopal Visit to Orlando Marthoma Congregation

Our Diocesan Episcopa, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius visited the Orlando Mar Thoma Congregation on 22nd January 2011 at 6pm and celebrated the Holy Communion. Though it was a weekday evening, most of the people attended and participated in the Holy Communion. A fellowship dinner was prepared for everyone. Rev. T. Johnson, Vicar, helped to coordinate the evening’s programs with the executive committee.
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Since the visit was at the beginning of the year, it was an added blessing to the people of the congregation. And they rejoiced in having a worship service and fellowship with the presence of the Diocesan Episcopa
As the congregation is in existence for some time and has got more than 23 families the Diocesan Bishop exhorted the members to proceed with the formation of a full fledged parish of the Mar Thoma Church.
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