On line Fellowship for Worship and Devotion
Thirusannnidhiyil is a programme organized by the Southern Region Mar Thoma Edavaka Mission for members and friends to join together for worship and devotion through teleconference. The first meeting was inaugurated by the Diocesan Secretary on Monday December 5, 2011 at 9. 00 p. m. EST.
The devotional message was shared by Rev. Joseph Joheny, Vicar of St. Thomas Mar Thoma Parish New York. Rev. Thomas Mathew welcomed the gathering. A large number of people from the Diocese attended the fellowship meeting. The next session will be a Christmas Special on Monday, December 26, 2011 at 9. 00 p. m. EST. Those who wish to attend can join by dialing 209-647-1600 from any phone. The access code is 712137#. The secretary Mr. Abey B. Koshy informs to mute your microphone so as to avoid all background
distractions during the session.
For more details contact Rev. Thomas Mathew (South Florida) 954-510-7187, 954-415-1290
(cell). Email: [email protected]
Rev. Thomas Mathew
President, Southern Region Edavaka Mission