New Property Closing

The long cherished dream of the Diocese in purchasing its adjacent land and property has come true on
26th April 2011. Let’s praise and thank God for this historic event. The Diocesan Assembly which was
held in 2010 took the decision to purchase the property at 2000 Carmen court, Merrick, NY 11566 and
the Diocesan council earnestly worked to make it a reality. The closing was held on Tuesday 26th April
2011 at the Chase Bank, Merrick Avenue, Long Island, New York.
The Diocesan Episcopa, Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius, Diocesan Secretary Rev. Vinoy Daniel,
Diocesan Treasurer Mr. Chacko Mathew and council members Dr. Mathew T. Thomas, Mr. Varghese P.
Varghese and Mr. Abraham Thadathel were present at the time of closing. The Diocese thanks the
coordinated hard work and efforts of the team to close the deal and on the consolidation of all other
mortgages including the pay down. Also our thanks and appreciation goes to Mr. Irving Hird, the seller,
for his co-operations and timely actions.