Navodaya Movement is a project of the Mar Thoma church to help the transgender community irrespective of caste, color or creed . It is the first time in the history of churches in India that a church as a whole has initiated a project supporting Transgender.. Through this outreach to the oppressed, the Mar Thoma church is able to live up to its motto “Lighted to lighten”. The Transgender Reintegration project in Mumbai started in 2014 with FTX_1822the objective of rehabilitating the transgenders to integrate them back into mainstream society. Based on the demographics of the Transgenders in Mumbai, the church identified the need to establish Navodaya in Kerala.The establishment of Navodaya in Kerala will help curtail the migration of transgenders from Kerala It is indeed a historical moment for the Mar Thoma church to set out on this pioneering venture in Kerala. Changes are not possible overnight but the church intends to introduce various initiatives in phases over the next 2 to 3 years. Various forms of support from the Government will be required to promote and implement these initiatives.
Some of the initiatives identified are listed below:
Shelter Home:
The need for a shelter home for the adolescent Transgenders was identified. The church has allocated land in Pathanamthitta district for this purpose. This shelter would be mainly catering to adolescents aged 13 and upward. Ideally, all children should grow up with their families and the church strongly supports this. The church will counsel the parents and adolescent transgenders to encourage them to complete their education and remain integrated as a family. However, in cases where this is difficult, they will be allowed to become residents of the shelter home, rather than them choosing to migrate out of Kerala. The Church will be intervening with the parents, schools and the Government to make this successful. The church will initiate admission to nearby schools for the residents of the shelter home so that they are given opportunities to remain in the mainstream with counseling support. The church will also arrange for Health / Medical care facilities for the residents. This initiative will help the Transgender adolescents retain their identity and foster them in an inclusive society.
The foundation of the church is strong when its ministry is done to the human community. As part of this outreach, the Mar Thoma Church plans to have awareness Programs in all the districts in Kerala and sensitization programs in churches and in secular institutions like schools and hospitals. The church will also work with various Government and non-government organizations for the advocacy of human rights for the Transgenders and for the creation of livelihood programs.
Navodaya Movement has a helpline number 1-800- 3000-5110 to provide counseling and support services for transgenders and their families. This helpline is available 24/7 to anyone seeking support.
Most Transgenders who have left home have no documentation like Adhar card and PAN card, The church will work with the respective authorities to facilitate issuance of appropriate documents.
Awareness video:
Any discussion on transgenders is generally a taboo in most societies and any association with them is shunned. Social Media is a proven and effective communication channel to spread the message across, and for this very reason, Navodaya is launching a short video to raise awareness amongst the public and to clear misconceptions about Transgenders. This video attempts to spread the message that Transgenders are just as human as the rest of us, and long to be treated equally and with respect and dignity. This will also be a platform to reach out to the younger generation to spread awareness of this cause. This video will be launched on Navodaya Movement’s website www.navodayamovement.com and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Tumblr websites.
The press conference was addressed by Fr Geevarghese Mar Theodosius- Dioceasean Bishop, Mumbai Diocese, Fr Abin Srambickal, Fr Philip George and Preethi Kuruvila