The 25th Mar Thoma Midwest Regional Conference was conducted in Gull Lake Ministries Conference Centre, MI from Dec 26th–29th 2011. The theme of the Conference was “Won by One” based on Ephesians 2:13. 172 youths of the different parishes of the Midwest Region participated in the conference. The Main speaker of the conference was Pastor Dwight Yoo of Presbyterian Church of America from Philadelphia. There were 5 main talks.
The talks were centered on God’s Love and closed with the call to be the Missionaries of God’s Kingdom. The dedication and commissioning service was on 28th December 2011. Vicars of the different parishes – Rev. Sabu
Thomas (St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Chicago); Rev. Roy P. Thomas (Mar Thoma Church, Chicago); Rev. Abraham Thomas (Detroit Mar Thoma Church) were present throughout. They along with main speaker prayed for and blessed the participants and it was really an awesome experience to everybody.
Along with the main talks there were 2 track sessions – (i) The “Biblical Understanding of the Conflict Resolution” and (ii) The “Issues of being Single”. The whole experience became more valuable when our Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius joined us on 28th night. Tirumeni spent time with our youths talking and listening to them and later on led the Holy Communion service on 29th and gave the closing message. We as region are really thankful to God for enabling us to conduct one more conference. The participants praised and thank God for a blessed Conference.
St. Thomas Mar Thoma Parish, Chicago hosted this 25th regional Conference. For 2012 youth fellowship of Chicago Mar Thoma Parish committed themselves to host the next Conference.
Rev. Alex Peter