Mar Thoma Students Conference

The Mar Thoma Students’ Conference- 2011 was held at the Madras Christian College Chennai from May
11 to 14. The inauguration was held at 6 p. m. on May 11th with an opening worship. The Rt. Rev.
Thomas Mar Timotheos gave the opening prayer.
Dr. Manu Thomas, the President of the Conference welcomed the gathering. He said: The Mar Thoma Students’ Conference has a shining history with a prophetic insight into the aspirations of the youthful community of the Church. This year’s Conference is a milestone of great importance since we are launching into an area of social justice and commitment.
This marks the beginning of a new journey, a journey with a focus on social empowerment. May God
help us to be leaders of purpose, vision, dynamism and humaneness so that we can celebrate our
freedom in Christ.
Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos, the Diocesan Episcopa and the Vice Patron of the Conference spoke to the
assembled members and said: The Mar Thoma Students’ Conference provided motivation and clear
vision to thousands of Mar Thoma youths for over a century. The coming together for prayer,
meditation on the Word of God, talks and discussion on relevant spiritual and social themes and
fostering inter- personal relationship through the atmosphere of warmth of fellowship are some of the
factors that contribute in making this event a unique experience. Hundreds of students from all over
India and abroad attend this conference with a sense of dedication, keeping the tradition and discipline
of the Mar Thoma Church.
The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma, the Metropolitan of the Church and the Patron of the Conference
inaugurated the Conference by lighting the Lamp and speaking on the Theme: Freedom- Celebration in
Christ. He said: Freedom is God-given and this privilege goes with responsibility. On many occasions we
make use of the freedom and ignore the responsibilities. This is what has happened to the Independent
India that got freedom in 1947 through the freedom struggle led by Mahatma Ghandhi. Even today
people forget the responsibility to keep the planet earth a habitable one for all the creatures. What we
need is a freedom from this attitude. The delegates of the Conference are here to look into this aspect,
seek God’s guidance and commit themselves to celebrate the freedom in Christ.
Mar Theodosius Episcopa who attended the Conference expressed his joy in attending the 101 session
of the conference which is now entering into a new Century in its historical growth.
He appreciated the efforts of Dr. Manu Thomas and his team in organizing the Conference in Chennai
where the Diocese of North America and Europe is also represented. He said that the very presence of
Ms. Mercy Mathew popularly known as Daya Bhai is a witness to the Gospel and an expression of the
celebration of freedom she found in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for the redemption of the whole
creation. He brought greetings from the Diocese and wished the Conference well. He expressed joy in
having the leadership of Rev. Dr. Sham P. Thomas and Rev. Dr. Valson Thampu in the Conference who
would certainly help the delegates to be spiritually rooted and to see the different dimensions of
Freedom in Christ.
Dr. R. W. Alexander Jesudasan, Principal of the Madras Christian College expressed his joy in having the
Mar Thoma Students Conference at the college Campus at Tambaram. He recalled the history of having
the First Students Conference in M. C. C. and also the historic World Missionary Conference which led to
the formation of the W. C. C. He welcomed the Bishops, other leaders and delegates to the college and
extended all possible help for the success and blessing of the Conference.
Prof. P. J. Kurian, member of the Rajya Sabha addressed the gathering and spoke about how the Sunday
School and the Annual Conferences helped him to hold on to the values of the Kingdom while living in
the secular and political world. He challenged the delegates to rededicate themselves for greater
spiritual nourishment and greater social commitment. He felicitated the new Rambans of the Church the Very Revds. Dr. Varghese Mathai, K. V. Varkey and Dr. Oommen George who came for the first public
function after their consecration as Rambans of the church on May 7, 2011.
The Metropolitan released the Souvenir and Prof. Arun Thomas proposed the Vote of Thanks. The
inaugural meeting was also blessed by the presence of Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas. The clergy of the
region and senior members from the Mar Thoma parishes attended the inaugural meeting.
There was a fellowship dinner for all the people gathered
Rev. K. E. Geevarghese
Sinai Mar Thoma Centre