Knanaya Ecuminical

Ecumenical Meeting with the Arch-Diocese of Malankara
Syrian Knanaya Church

Archbishop H. E. Mor Silvanos Ayub Metropolitan organized a gathering of all Clergy of the Arch-diocese and invited the Diocesan Episcopa Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Tirumeni to spend Friday June 3, 2011. The meeting took place at the St. Peter’s Knanaya Valiya Pally, New York. The Clergy of the Diocese came from near and far and Mar Theodosius with Rev. Jose T.

Abraham represented the Mar Thoma Diocese. There was morning and afternoon prayers according to Knanaya rites and Mar Theodosius took a retreat for the Clergy on the topic “Priesthood and Mission” based on 1 Pet. 5: 1-6 and St. John 15.

The Metropolitan inaugurated the meeting. Father Moozhiyil Cherian organized it. Gifts were exchanged and the gathered community spent time for luncheon fellowship.
Rev. Jose Abraham T., New Jersey