Episcopal visit of Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Thodosius to Immanuel Mar Thoma Church, Houston June 21 -25,2012
Hoston centre clergy meeting There was a Centre Clergy Meeting at the residence of Rev Roy Abraham Thomas on Thursday evening. Three of the Achans residing in Houston attended the meeting and discussed the possibilities of having all centre organizational activities regularly. A specific discussion was there on the possibility of having a centre Junior- Senior Camp for Sunday School children in summer, with the help of Sunday School teachers. There was also a discussion on the National Youth Conference taking place , organized by the youth Fellowship of Trinity Mar Thoma Church in August. There was an informal meeting later to think about a ‘regional project’ in the South West region combining centers 7 & 8.
Ecuminical breakfast On Friday morning, Mar Theodosius found time to Visit the resident Bishop Alexios Mor Eusebius Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church.
All Mar Thoma Achans in Houston area accompanied the Diocesan Episcopa to visit the Metropolitan. Mor Euseius , along with a few members of the Orthodox Church welcomed every one for a time of breakfast fellowship. The bishops found time to talk on common agenda and also to share their concerns of the churches in North America. The Bishops exchanged gifts.
Bar-B-Q fellowship with the Youth There was a Bar-B-Q and Youth Meeting on Friday. The Immanuel Mar Thoma Parish initiated a Youth Fellowship meeting at the residence of the Youth Chaplain. Youth members from both the parishes attended the meeting. Mar Theodosius conducted a Bible Study regarding the nature
of the early Church based on Acts 2 and 4. There was a lively discussion. A Bar-B-Q dinner fellowship followed. The youth celebrated the birthday of Rev Roy A Thomas. The Very Rev P V Thomas who was visiting USA came from Atlanta and joined the fellowship. The progress of the upcoming National youth Fellowship in Houston area was announced.
Marriage ceremony
On Saturday there was a wedding of Babith and Sherin, members of the Mar Thoma Parishes in Dallas Carrolton and Houston, solemnized at the Immanuel Mar Thoma Church using the new book on liturgy published by the Diocese.
House dedication service
There was a House Warming service and prayer meeting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Chacko. A good number of people attended the meeting which was followed by a Fellowship meal. 6.Parish committee meeting The Vicar called a meeting of the Parish Committee to meet the Diocesan Episcopa and to seek his guidance on parish matters on Saturday evening at the Parish Hall. The meeting lasted for about 90 minutes.
Sub committee meeting
The subcommittee to study on the feasibility of having an additional clergy in the parish met the bishop and discussed the need and possibilities.
The discussion was to have a clergy who will concentrate on the New generation and to have two Sunday services. The committee was informed that more time is required to work out the details and to find an additional Achan. They were asked to work out the details through the Edavaka Sanghom
First Holy Communion service
The Sunday Worship service was a celebration of the whole parish where almost all members of the parish came from near and far.
The English Holy Qurbana service started at 9 am with the choir members assisting in using all the English chants. The parish has 6 Alter boys who take turns to assist in the services along with the two lay leaders.
There were 19 First Communicants who came to the Church with their parents, god-parents and all dear and near ones. Mar Theodosius gave the sermon based on Luke 10:1-5 and spoke on the disciples sent by Jesus Christ to go before Him to the villages and towns. It was followed by the Dedication service of the First communicants.
There were about 650 people receiving the Holy communion. Rev A T Thomas and Rev Roy A Thomas assisted the Bishop. After the worship service, the First Communicants were given certificates and six of the senior members of the parish were honored with Ponnada. Mar Theodosius addressed the gathering and thanked them for their support to all Church and Diocese related projects and programmes. There was a lunch fellowship which gave enough time for all to interact and strengthen the fellowship.
Honoring the 6 Senior Members.
The parish arranged a meeting after the holy communion service to honor the senior citizens those who have competed 70 yrs of old. Thirumani felicitated them by giving ponnada to them. A photo session was also arranged after the meeting
Houston area centre meeting
There was a centre meeting of Parish Office Bearers in Houston area on Sunday evening at the Immanuel Mar Thoma Church at 4pm. The Diocesan Episcopa welcomed the Youth chaplain and opened the discussions on Regional and Centre programmes and projects. The subcommittee formed by the Diocesan Council was asked to act as the Local Advisory Committee to assist the youth Chaplain. The meeting also discussed the need to organize an Ecumenical dinner jointly with the Diocesan Council in January 2013 with the Church dignitaries in Houston area. The members celebrated the Deacon Ordination Anniversary of the Bishop and participated in the event.
The Deacon Ordination Anniversary of Mar Theodosius
The Deacon Ordination Anniversary of Mar Theodosius was organized by the Immanuel Mar Thoma Parish after the Centre meeting. Rev A T Thomas felicitated the bishop and Mar Theodosius responded to it and sought the prayers of all present. A cake was cut to mark the joyous occasion. Everyone present joined the coffee fellowship.
Visit to the sick and needy
The Episcopal Visit was marked with the vicars and the bishop visiting the sick in about 6 families and those who needed special prayers.
The Episcopal visit was an inspiring and encouraging one to the parish members and also a memorable event in the history of Immanuel Mar Thoma Church ,Houston. Vicar and members of the parish expressed their thanks and gratitude to Thirumani for his vibrant leadership and vision about the church and society. Thirumani advised and inspired the parish to start neighborhood ministry. The parish members whole heartily appreciated Thirumanis concern about the next generation members of our parish and he advised the parishioners to encourage more English services and co-opt the programmes that will attract young ones to the church.
This year, the Episcopal visit has given a new vision and enthusiasm to the parish
Rev. A. T. Thomas Vicar