Houston Immanuael – June 5, 2011

“He has entered into heaven. …” was the topic of the talk given by Mar Theodosius as he celebrated the Holy Qurbana on Sunday June 5, 2011, as part of his Episcopal visit to the parish from Friday evening to Monday.
There were 23 first communicants at the Holy Qurbana service which was well attended, not only by members of the Immanuel Marthoma parish, but by friends and relatives from the different parishes in Texas and other places, near and far. There were about 400 communicant members. Mar Theodosius spoke of the meaning of the ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts 1: 9-11) and affirmed that the faith community has strong hope in the second coming of Jesus Christ. ‘He will come again to gather his faithful by judging the living and the dead’. After the Kaimuthu service Thirumani inaugurated a Library for the parish.
On Saturday, the diocesan Episcopa met the members of the parish executive community and had a dialogue with them.
He recognized the representation of the parish with three assembly members in the Diocesan Assembly. He also appreciated the parish electing a young person as the Accountant and expressed the hope that through these representations the growing generation will be active in the parish and also on the diocesan level. He observed that there are five youth members assisting in the Madhubaha trying to learn about the pastoral ministry and the importance of sacraments in the church. He told the parish that there are a few young members in various parishes who have expressed their desire to go for ‘seminary training’. He expressed the need to have a Minor Seminary set up in the diocese where the youth members will take interest in the ordained ministry. He acknowledged the presence of some young ladies who have also gone through theological training in the country. There are already 5 ordained ministers within the diocese, two will be ordained in 2011 and another three to have further training.
Thirumani met the representatives of the young families of the parish on Saturday who expressed the desire to have more number of English services and also expressed the desire to have two Holy Qurbana services on certain Sundays one in Malayalam and one in English so that the young families would stick on to the parish instead of going elsewhere.
Addressing the congregation, the Diocesan Bishop spoke to the community by saying that the Marthoma church has strong roots now in the country and therefore at least three Holy Communion services in English in a month in our parishes is a welcome gesture. The possibility that the members of this diocese go and participate in the various programs in India will be quite remote in the coming years. According to the new norms, there is a requirement in the Church now to have one year pre-theology training under the guidance of the Diocesan Episcopa.
The parish was appreciated in having a project called HOPE (Heaven’s Own Precious Eyes), a fellowship started for and among the mentally challenged children.
The program called CLAP (Caring Loving Angels with Passion), is meant for helping the children of parents of HIV positive. Hagar fund of the Sevika sangom is trying to help the poor widows. The program called Rhythm (Rasing Handicapped Youngsters through Hope and Mission) of Yuvajana Sakhyam is meant to help the physically challenged. Thrumani appreciated these ministries and wished that all these grow with the blessing of God and the co-operation of people to extend the ministry of the Church in the neighborhood. This will also be a model to other parishes in the diocese.
Thirumani mentioned about the upcoming events such as the institute on Counseling and the regional conventions. He told the congregation that a group of young people have gone now to Oklahoma and Alabama region to give spiritual fellowship to the Native Americans in those areas and to
conduct VBS classes for the children among them. The diocesan bishop also talked briefly on the progress at the Mexico mission and urged the members to visit the place and participate in the programs. He expressed the desire to have ecumenical gathering in Houston area in the near future where he could also come and participate.
The members of the Immanuel Parish particularly the seniors have contributed and purchased a plot of land in the cemetery and that area is now marked as an area for Immanuel Mar Thoma Church.
Thirumani commended such a venture and exhorted the young members to care the senior members and those who are aged. The eight projects proposed by the diocese is a program that is to be discussed by the parishes in the region, choose the most appropriate one for the people in the local area and to work out ways and means to implement it. He hoped that the parishes of the Houston areas will take the initiative to have such a ministry to the aged. This can be attempted.
Thirumani planted a tree after attending the meeting of the youth fellowship members.
The Immanuel Mar Thoma Parish has a parish hall for conducting the Sunday School and for public meetings.
The luncheon meeting on Sunday hosted by the parents of the first communicants was in the Immanuel hall. The Episcopal visit was a blessed and fruitful event.
Rev. A.T. Thomas