Episcopal Visit to the Bombay Mar Thoma Church, Dadar

The Episcopal visit to Bombay Mar Thoma Church, Dadar took place on Sunday July 10, 2016.
image001The Vicar, Rev C. K. Koshy, and office bearers of the parish welcomed the Diocesan Episcopa, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius, at the entrance. The Worship is taking place from the very beginning at the Holy Redeemer C. N. I. Church after their morning worship service. Mar Theodosius celebrated Holy Qurbana at 10.15 am and preached on the significance of Theological Training, based on the scripture portion St. Mt. 13: 1-9.

He emphasized the significance of the Liturgy of the Word along with the Liturgy of the Sacrament and exhorted everyone to engage in having Bible Study with focused attention, regularly. There were 13 First Communicants who were blessed by Mar Theodosius at the Dedication Service. The First Communicants were given the copy of the Holy Bible. The service ended after serving Holy Communion for more than 200 participants.
image003There was a public reception organized to felicitate the new Bishop who was visiting the parish for the first time. The representatives of the Mar Thoma church and the C. N. I. Church gave bouquet to the bishop and felicitated him.
Mar Theodosius responded by expressing his gratitude to both the parishes and said that the Church is to be an inclusive community, welcoming the strangers. When mission activities are going on in the remote areas and members are added to the Church, there should not be any discrimination or marginalization to the new comers. Every baptized member shall feel an air of freedom like any other of the church and should grow as the one body of Christ. The Mar Thoma parish was asked to conduct Hindi Service for the Hindi or Marati speaking members. The service concluded with the Kaimuthu service and Fellowship Lunch. It was a very blessed and enriching day for all.

Rev. C. K. Koshy