Episcopal visit to St. John’s MTC, Meera Road

St John’s Mar Thoma Church, Meera Road organized the Parish Day along with the Episcopal visit to the parish. The Diocesan Episcopa, Dr Geevarghese Mar Theodosius , visited the Parish on Sunday November 13, 2016. He started the Holy Qurbana at the church , after the Thooyaba service, at 8.30am. He prayed and  blessed those who came for their birth day and wedding day thanks giving prayer. The offertory for the day is earmarked as the collection towards the ‘ Save a Heart programme ‘ of the diocese.


Mar Theodosius spoke from Luke 7: 48-50 and referred to the conversations in the passage where the woman was able to express her repentance through tears. She received the blessings while Simon the Pharisee, who questioned and criticized Jesus, could not, though he was the host to Jesus.  The Diocesan Episcopa then blessed the 10 First communicants through the dedication service and receiving them as communicant- members of the Church. There were more than 300 participants in the Holy Qurbana.


There was a function, after the worship service, to welcome the Bishop, as he is visiting the parish for the first time as the Diocesan Bishop. They recalled the instance of Mar Theodosius visiting the parish when the worshipping community was officially recognized by the Church through a kalpana from the Metropolitan. The parish now has a place of worship of their own, a pre- primary school, a Hall, a parsonage and staff quarters.


The parish day was celebrated by publishing the parish directory and ear marking the 14th year as an year for Mission. They expressed the desire to reach out to the outside communities through several ways. Speaking on the occasion, Mar Theodosius emphasized the significance first seeing the home as a mission centre and then reaching out to others to embrace the strangers and to lead people for community living. He also spoke about the ministry of the diocese through Nava Jeevan and Navodaya.


The senior members of the parish were honored on the occasion. Prizes were distributed to the winners in various competitions conducted in the parish. There was a Kaimuthu service to bless every one present. The parish choir gave the lead. There was a fellowship meal. The first communicants took time to take photographs. The parish committee members were present to meet the bishop. The parish has a very dynamic youth group. The Diocesan Bishop took delight in seeing the terrace garden and encouraging John George achen and his family to continue the good work.


The Vicar and the members of the parish made the occasion a memorable one. Mar Theodosius returned after participating in the lunch served.



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