Episcopal Visit to Nasik Road

The Episcopal visit to the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Nasik Road was scheduled for Sunday February 12, 2017. The Diocesan Episcopa travelled from Pune to reach Nasik Road after 4 hours drive. The Vicar Rev C. P. Biju welcomed the bishop when he reached there by 5pm.St. Thomas parish was having the Parish convention and Rev K. C. Santhosh (Ahmedabad) was giving the Devotional messages. The Diocesan Bishop joined the evening meeting at 7 pm. There was a good gathering including some members from the sister churches. The Guest speaker gave message for the evening.

The Holy Qurbana on Sunday morning started at 8.00 am. It was the parish day as well to mark the 36th year of existence in Nasik. The Sunday School Teachers came together for a service of Dedication. Large number of people participated in the Holy Qurbana. The parish choir assisted in the service.The parish day programme was conducted afterwards and both, Bishop Theodosius and Rev. K. C. Santhosh gave devotional messages. The meeting came to a close with prayer and benediction. The members participated in the Kaimuthu service and joined together in the fellowship meal.


Mar Theodosius returned to the Diocesan Centre, Vashi after a blessed service at Nasik Road.


Rev. C. P. Biju
