Visit to Gandhinagar

The Diocesan Bishop of the Mumbai Diocese of the Mar Thoma Church, Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosious visited Immnauel Mar Thoma Church Gandhinagar on 29th October 2017. Respected Thirumeni led the Holy Qurbana and also gave a message on the occasion of the Family Sunday of the parish. This was the first time that Thirumeni celebrated the Holy Qurbana at the Immanuel MTC, Gandhinagar.


The visit of the Diocesan Episcopa was indeed a blessing for all the parishioners. Thirumeni gave a powerful message to the parishioners on the occasion of Family Sunday.


A video clip was presented before the message which highlighted how the new gadgets like laptop, cell phone and TV can disturb the family life. The message given by Thirumeni based on Ephesians 3:14 touched the hearts of the parishioners.


All the parishioners felt the warmth of Thirumeni during the Episcopal visit. The offertory collected during this Sunday (Rs 3100/-) was handed over to Thirumeni for Save the Heart project.

This Episcopal visit was a truly memorable one for the Vicar and Parishioners.  We the Immanuel Mar Thoma church members deeply indebted to Thirumeni for his graceful leadership, kind words of motivation and love. May God bless Thirumeni.


Rev K. C. Santhosh
