Episcopal Visit to Ankaleshwar

The members of the Mar Thoma Church in Surat and suburban parishes were waiting to receive their new Diocesan Bishop, Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa. He was received at the airport in Surat by the representatives on Friday, August 26th, 2016 at 8.30am

Mar Theodosius went to Ankaleshwar from the airport and took rest there till evening.  The service was in the Church owned by the members at 7pm. The parish choir along with the members present, welcomed the Bishop by singing a welcome Song in Syriac.
The parish has 28 families and most of them attended the service. There was one First Communicant and the person was blessed by the bishop. The offertory was set apart for helping the poor people who would otherwise die. This charity is known as ‘ Save a Heart Progam’.
There was a felicitation meeting in honor of Mar Theodosius, after the Holy Qurbana service. The service and the worship were over by 9.30 pm. After the Kaimuthu service, all dispersed for dinner fellowship at 9.30 pm. The service was a blessing.

Mar Theodosius+