Diocesan Sunday school Annual Meeting

The Annual General Body Meeting of the Diocesan Sunday School for The year 2016-2017 was held at the St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church on the evening of Sunday April 30, 2017 . The Diocesan Episcopa presided over the meeting. It started with a short service and the devotional address was given by Rev. T. Johnson, Vapi. Rev Abu Cherian welcomed the gathering.Mar Theodosius gave the Presidential Address in which he appreciated the Office Bearers and the committee for holding the annual meeting within a month, soon after the fiscal year that ended by March 31st. He suggested that the Sunday School should take interest to help the children to familiarize the Liturgy and regularity participate in the worship service in the Sunday School or in the local parish. Further, the Sunday School children shall get an exposure  to realize the pain and suffering of the marginalized children like the ones we have in the Nav Jeevan and Navodaya. Those children can be given the privilege to have the VBS every. Year and also learn new songs and choruses.

The meeting passed the Annual Report, Annual Accounts and Annual Budget that were presented by the Secretary and the Treasurer. Prizes were given to the children who scored higher marks on the Annual Examination of the year.  The representative to the Diocesan Assembly was elected from the floor.

The vote of thanks was offered by Ms. Licy Varghese. Mr. Pramod John said the closing prayer. After the benediction, the members present took time for a fellowship time over the cup of Tea and snacks.

Mar Theodosius+

Diocesan Bishop