The Diocesan Episcopa visited St. Thomas Mar Thomas Parish, Bristol from August 22 to 28,2011 in connection with the Parish Day celebrations. The Mar Thoma prayer group that started in August 2002 became a full-fledged parish in October 2007. The Rev. Abraham Mathew is the present Vicar who is also a PhD student.
Mar Theodosius Episcopa visited a few members of the Parish during the week days while staying at the Parsonage which was bought in 2010. His Lordship conducted a prayer meeting in Cardiff at the Trinity Methodist Church on the evening of Saturday August 27.
Tirumeni met the members of the parish committee and the children who wish to commit their life for ‘full time ministry’ on Saturday August 27 in the morning. The Parish has 83 families as members. The Holy Communion service was conducted on Sunday, August 28 at 11.30 a.m. at the St. Anne’s Church, Eastville, Bristol. There were 11 first communicants.
The Diocesan Episcopa took time to meet the Anglican Vicar Rev. Jane P Hayward and representatives of the Pastorate committee of the Anglican Parish and discussed the possibilities of jointly sharing the church facilities between the two parishes.
Thirumeni with Rev. Jane P. Hayward, Rev. Abraham Mathew and members of the joint partnership committee
The Mar Thoma Parish supports a Bristol Charity ‘Crisis Centre Ministries’ for its involvement in local community. The parish also supports mission fields in India and the Dhramajyothi Vidyapeet, Faridabad.
Rev. Abraham Mathew