Bethel Mar Thoma Church, Philadelphia

The Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius visited the Philadelphia Bethel Mar Thoma Church on Sunday September 18, 2011 and celebrated the Holy Communion Service.
There were five first communicants who participated in the Holy Communion. After the worship service, Thirumeni awarded the special certificates to the first communicants
After the Holy Communion Service, the Parish day program began with the welcome speech by the vicar Rev. Alexander Varughese. He also presented the main programs of the Jubilee Year. Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla and Rev. M. John, Philadelphia gave the felicitation messages. Secretary Mr. Abraham Varughese presented the report.
Mar Theodocius Thirumeni, the Diocesan Episcopa inaugurated the Jubilee Year celebration by lighting the lamp. Thirumeni inspired the parishioners through the keynote address.
Thirumeni gave an award to Mr. John Kunjandy for his remarkable service rendered to the Parish Sunday School as a teacher and superintendent. And Thirumeni presented certificates to the winners of Diocesan Sunday School Examination. Vice President, Mr. Varghese Philip expressed vote of thanks to Thirumeni and all the members gathered.The parish day program concluded with the Benediction and Kaimuth by Thirumeni. It was followed by community feast. After the lunch, there was an executive committee meeting with Thirumeni.
In the evening, there was a special Diocesan Regional meeting of Clergy, Assembly & Mandalam Members and office bearers of the parishes at the Bethel Mar Thoma Church to plan the National Family Conference 2012. Thirumeni presided over the meeting.
Rev. Alexander Varughese