Anglican Bishop Consecration

Consecration ceremony of Rev. Fr. John Vaughan as the Bishop of traditional Anglican Communion
On the 18th of April 23, 2012 the Anglican Church in America Traditional Anglican communion consecrated Rev. John to the office of Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of the Eastern United States. The event was held in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Baltimore County, Maryland. Most Rev. Brian Richmond Marsh Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Church in America presided over the consecration ceremony which was attended by a collegium of Anglican Bishops and
clergy of different denominations from throughout the country. Rev. Benu John vicar of the Mar Thoma Church of Baltimore also attended the ceremony. The ceremony started with a procession and consisted of melodious songs and chants followed by a consecration vow and laying of hands by the collegium of bishops.
The Rev. Job Serebrov, Bishop Secretary (left) with rev. Benu John before the ceremony
Foundation of the Anglican Church in America The Anglican Church in America is an international communionin the Anglican movement independent of the Anglican Communion and the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Anglican Church in America is part of the worldwide Traditional Anglican Communion, with members in 44 countries, which seeks to uphold the Catholic Faith, Apostolic Order, Orthodox Worship and Evangelical Witness of the Anglican tradition within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. The Communion holds Holy Scripture and the ancient Creeds of the Undivided Church as authentic and authoritative, and worships according to the traditional
formularies of the Church. The TAC churches have been formed outside of the Anglican Communion churches over a number of different issues. The principal issue has been the ordination of women. Other issues include liturgical revisions, the acceptance of homosexuality and the importance of tradition.
Since 2007, the Traditional Anglican Communion has been seeking unity with the Roman Catholic Church while still retaining aspects of its Anglican heritage. The Vatican has a record of making some accommodations for Anglicans. In 1980, the so-called Pastoral Provision was issued which allowed the creation of Anglican Use and the establishment of Anglican Use parishes within dioceses of the United States. These parishes were initially composed of former members of the Episcopal Church. To be fair the ecclesial formation and its evolution as a faith
community has been phenomenal but very complex to grasp with one glance. Like the Mar Thoma church it serves to be bridge between the traditional Anglican tradition and it also seeks to connect to the classical Roman Catholic faith too for communion. Now this small church in USA of about 5200 families is seeking to foster relations with other episcopal churches here who share the Anglican Communion. It is in this context that the TAC is seeking communion with our Mar Thoma Church. In Baltimore the St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, based in Timonium, is
one among its churches. it is being deemed as a cathedral church of the presiding Bishop Brian Marsh. So it was here that the TAC selected to consecrate their new bishop John Vaughan on April 23rd, 2012.
Rev. Benu John