21st Mar Thoma Choir Festival
At the Detroit Mar Thoma Church
21st Mar Thomas Choir Festival was hosted by The Detroit Mar Thoma Church on Saturday, August 4, 2012, in Seaholm High School Auditorium, in Birmingham, Michigan. The theme of the Choir Festival was “ Psalmos-2012”, signifying the bible verse, “ With Psalms and Hymns make music in your heart to the Lord”, Eph. 5:19. The following Choirs participated: Bethel Mar Thoma Church (Frankfort) Malayalam Choir, Chicago Mar Thoma Church Malayalam & English Choirs, St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church (Chicago) Malayalam and English Choirs, Canadian Mar Thoma Church (Toronto) English Choir, St. Mathews Mar Thoma Church (Toronto) Senior and Junior Choirs, and Detroit Mar Thoma Church Malayalam, English and Children’s Choirs. The program started at 4:00PM and ended at 8:00 PM.
By the Grace of the Almighty the Choir Festival was a great success. All the choirs, under the able leadership of their Choir leaders, sang exceptionally well, praising and glorying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was a great blessing for all who participated and attended this event. The following Achens were in attendance: Rev Varghese K Abraham (St. Mathews Church, Toronto), Rev. Shaji Thomas (St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Chicago), Rev. Daniel Thomas (Chicago Mar Thoma Church), Rev. Alex Peter (Bethel Mar Thoma Church, Chicago and Youth Chaplain of Midwest Region), Rev. Abraham Thomas (Vicar, Detroit MTC), Rev. P. Chacko and Rev. Philip Varghese from Detroit Mar Thoma Church. Rev. Itty Mathew of CSI Church also attended the event. An inspiring message was delivered by Rev. Daniel Thomas.
Under the leadership of Rev. Abraham Thomas (Vicar, Mar Thoma Church, Detroit), The Choir Festival Committee, Various Sub- Committees and Volunteers worked exceptionally well as team with great enthusiasm and commitment. All the members of the Choir, especially the members of the Prayer Cell, have been constantly praying for this event. Lunch and snacks were provided for 400 people before the program and a delicious dinner was served to about 700
people after the program. We thank the Almighty God for enabling us to hold our choir festivals,hosted by the participating Churches, for the past 21 years without fail.
George Thomas
Mar Thoma Thoma Choir Festival-2012