Mother’s Day has been celebrated since 1914 after a campaign by Anna Jarvis. Jarvis was born in West Virginia as the daughter of Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis, a social activist during the American Civil War. After the death of Jarvis’ mother, she embarked on a campaign to make Mother’s Day a nationally recognized holiday. Jarvis wanted each person to honor his/her own mother rather than celebrate a day for all mothers in general. The national day has now become commercialized. Flowers have been a very popular gift as well as a greeting card. Let us remember that a personal letter will always have a personal touch.
Jesus Christ while dying on the cross remembered his mother and called her by name and entrusted the disciple John to take care of her. We have so many examples of mothers in the Bible. Mary the mother of Jesus is a good example of motherhood. A mother comes to us as God’s gift. We hear Solomon saying: My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. – Proverbs 6.20 As a mother, she is chosen by God to participate in God’s act of creation. Motherhood is a privilege and a responsibility. The privilege comes because of God’s grace; and responsibilities are to be carried out depending on the grace of God. A mother’s love is unique and there is no equivalent to it. A mother’s presence always has a personal touch. At times of pain and struggle every person will long for the presence of a mother to console, to comfort and to impart courage. A mother’s heart goes to the lives of her children near and far irrespective of their age. A mother spends her life in giving life to children and in rearing them up. She finds her life too in the lives of her children. The umbilical cord relationship continues spiritually and mentally even if it is physically severed for the independent life of the child at birth. As we value motherhood and celebrate mother’s day, let us remember how our mother took care of us particularly in our younger days and express our gratitude to her in committing ourselves to take care of her in her older days. The heavens will rejoice when we celebrate our bond on Mother’s Day realizing that we are committed to each other in God’s love.
Mother’s Day Poem
Mothers are God’s special people
God knew that from the start
That’s why he created them in His own image and to them gave the biggest heart
She’s able to heal our hurts with only a kiss and hug
She’s able to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner and is never slow as a slug
Mothers are special people
God knew they’d always be
He created them to do so much that involves you and me
She has to be a teacher to teach us what we need to know
She has to be a taxi driver to get us where we need to go
Mothers are special people
God knew His work was complete
When He created someone that could do SOOOOOO much on her own two feet
She is a Christian, on Him she depends
She displays the fruit of the Spirit and a helping hand she is willing to lend
Mothers are God’s special people…