On February 11, 2011, His Holiness Baselius Mar Thoma Paulose II was given a warm reception by the Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church at Bethel Aramana, Manganam, Kottayam. The Most Rev. Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Valia Metropolitan, the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan, the Bishops Mar Theodosius, Mar Coorilos, Mar Barnabas, Mar Timotheos, & Mar Paulos were present representing the Mar Thoma Church. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos organized the meeting and the Metropolitan, Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma felicitated His Holiness Baselius Mar Thoma Paulose II.
In his reply, His Holiness, the Bava thanked the Mar Thoma church for the felicitation and reminded the gathered of the existing relationship between the churches and the participation of both churches in the ecumenical circle (In Kerala & worldwide). There was a luncheon fellowship which added warmth to the gathering and it strengthened the bond of fellowship.