Will you critically evaluate the institutional witness of the Mar Thoma Church?

Institutions are there to carry out the mission of God Church entered into Educational ministry when she understood that there are unprivileged children. So the Church opened opportunities. In the same way healing ministry and the like. Institutions are needs as vehicles to carry out the mission. But when you institutionalize the missions, institution remains and mission is lost. I am sorry to note that some of our Christian organizations are satisfied in catering to the privileged class, ignoring the less privileged and the poor. It is my opinion that the Church continue to maintain our option for the poor and move to the unreached areas of life and to the unreached people. Let us make it a reality what Christ has said: I have come that you have life and have it abundantly. 

Spirit of competition, market culture of seeing my people as customers, Profit motive, materialism etc are to be shunned from the life style of the Church. Institutions are to witness God and to work for the growth of the community of God.