The Teenagers’ Conference of the Diocese of Mumbai was organized by the Diocesan Sunday School at the Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Camp Centre, Lonawallah on November 11 and 12, 2017.
The Conference began on the morning of November 11th and it was inaugurate by the Diocesan Episcopa, Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius. About 125 delegates with about 15 leaders and 5 Clergy attended the Conferences from the various parishes of Maharashtra and Gujarat. The Diocesan Secretary Rev. Gigy Thomas, Diocesan treasurer Mr. P. K. Achenkunju and Bishop’s Secretary Rev. Joel Thomas were present on the inaugural day.
The theme of the Conference was, ‘ Selfie in Christ ‘. Rev Dr. Moni Mathew and Dr. Ms. Dinu Shibu Mathew gave leadership and conducted the classes. Rev. Abu Cherian with the Sunday School committee organized the Conference. Rev David Titus and Rev. K. C. Chacko gave local leadership. The Conference was a blessing to all the delegates who attended the conference.
Mar Theodosius+