Episcopal Visit to the St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Vashi


The St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Vashi conducted two important programs on 06th August 2017. Nineteen Communicants received their first Holy Communion on this day. Along with the 1st Communicants service, for the first time, an Altar Boys dedication was held at the Parish. 10 boys dedicated themselves as Altar boys. The 19 first communicants and 10 boys underwent special classes conducted by Rev. Gigy Thomas, the Vicar, to prepare them for the service. His Grace Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa led the worship service and conducted the 1st Holy Communicants service and the Altar boys dedication.



The service was assisted by Rev Gigy Thomas and Bishop’s Secretary Rev. Joel Samuel Thomas. The programs were well organized under the guidance and able leadership of Rev. Gigy Thomas, with the co-operation of the church members and the parents of the 19 children. The church was decorated with floral bouquets and a shamiana was erected to protect from the rain. More than 500 people attended the event. Parents, grandparents and relatives and friends of the 19 children participated along with the congregation. It was a joyous occasion to see more than 450 persons taking Holy Communion along with the new communicants. The worship service extended between 9.00 a.m. and 1 p.m. and was conducted in a very orderly manner. Each of the first communicants was provided a Bible and candle. Specially printed book-marks were distributed to all as a token of remembrance of the event. The choir team added a joyous and holy melody to the worship.



During his sermon, Rt. Rev. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa besought people to maintain integrity as good Christians, and to spread the good work of fellowship to the underprivileged all around us. At the end of the service, Thirumeni gave ‘kaimuthu’ to all the people. There was a photo session of the 19 children and their families, choir and executive committee members, with Thirumeni and Achens. The session ended with fellowship lunch for all members and guests.


Rev. Gigy Thomas
