Visit to Sohar Mar Thoma Parish

The Vicar and Office Bearers of Sohar Mar Thoma Parish met their new Diocesan Episcopa and took him from Ruvi to Sohar which took about 3 hours drive. All had lunch at the Parsonage of the Vicar Rev T. Babu (Thomas Babu). The members of the parish committee came together for a meeting in the evening. The Easter service on Sunday April 16 was at 5 am . Though it was a working day, people adjusted their work and came to participate in the service. Almost all the adult members participated in the Holy Qurbana. There was Breakfast at the Church for every one present and all enjoyed the fellowship. The Parish Directory was also published on that day.After taking rest and having lunch at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Abraham, Mar Theodosius visited the Mar  Thoma Church at Ghala. The  Holy Qurbana service was at 7.30 pm. Mar Theodosius gave the Easter Message and caught the midnight flight back to Bombay. The visits were blessed occasions for all the parishes.