Shaura Mission field

Visit to SAURA Mission Field. The St. Thomas Mar Thoma Parish, Vasai Road in the diocese is supporting two mission fields. One of them is SAURA mission field.  Knowing that the team led by the Diocesan Episcopa is visiting this area, Rev. K. P.  Johnson and a few members of the parish came to the place to welcome the group. This is a field that started 4 years ago when a young man named Kalpesh believed in Jesus Christ and started preaching the Gospel. He opened his home for the seekers to come in for prayer and fellowship.When the Mar Thoma Parish in Vasai (Bassien road), which is 60 K M away, started supporting and ministering to them in SAURA,  the Christian community grew in number and they have now bought a land for constructing the place of worship. The Mission Board of the diocese will be delegating Mr. Prakash Pithe and Family to stay there and minister to them and in the nearby villages. Now there are 150 members regularly congregating. There are about 40 members seeking Baptism. They need regular Bible classes.The VBS conducted every year is attracting more children. They love Night Bhajan and fasting Prayer. They have musical instruments.  The children need better fecilities for higher education and skilled training. By the grace of God, this group will grow stronger and add more believers pretty soon..