Lone Talawalli is a Mission Field of the Mumbai Diocese of the Mar Thoma Church. Mr. Samuel Kasipettah ministers in the Village, having 35 Families and in the neighbourhood. This is a Backward Village and the mission work is supported by the Mar Thoma Parish in Kalyan West. The Parish took the initiative to form the villagers as a registered society and the Government has allotted a land for Community Centre. When the Diocesan Episcopa, Mar Theodosius, visited the village with a team of members from the Diocese and the Diocesan Mission Board, on March 1, 2017, Rev. Binoy J Thomas, the Vicar and some of the Parish Committee members reached the spot to welcome the visitors. A Mango sapling was planted at the plot of land and later all the members assembled at the village courtyard for a fellowship meeting.Rev. K. C. Chacko, the Missionary, and Mr. Blessen, the Coordinator led the group in singing and in worship. The youth and children in the village presented some programmes and welcomed the visitors. Mar Theodosius and Rev Binoy J Thomas spoke on the occasion. The field report was given. The evangelist is taking keen interest in the education of children. A tuition class is arranged by appointing a teacher and all the children are motivated to go to the nearby school. The Mar Thoma Parish is planning to give them nutritious food. A medical camp is organized in the village every year. There are seven families now who regularly gather for worship and the membership is on the increase. The villagers mobilized funds to have a water tank for the entire village.They are all looking forward to see the completed Community Centre where they can gather together and the children can have regular tuition classes. The Evangelist will also be staying there.