Episcopal Visit to the Mar Thoma Church, Bharuch

The Diocesan Episcopa visited the Mar Thoma Parish at Bharuch on Saturday, August 27th, 2016.
The Holy Communion service started at 8am. Being a working day, the members gathered together to worship first and then go for work. There were five first communicants and they were blessed through a dedication service during the worship by the diocesan Episcopa.
His Lordship spoke on the meaning of Holy Qurbana and said that every religious act is for affirming life and not for negating it. He mentioned that there are instances in the secularized world where people kill each other in the name of religion.

A good number of members participated in the Holy Qurbana. There was a meeting after the service to felicitate the new Diocesan Bishop. In response, Mar Theodosius exhorted members to own the diocesan projects and programs and earnestly participate in them with a team spirit. There was Kaimuthu service and all members present participated in the fellowship meal. The worship service was a blessed service.

Mar Theodosius+