Unchanging Word in a Changing World

Unchanging Word in a Changing World Key Verse: II Tim 3:16

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Our God is an unchanging God and the principles laid in the Bible, we believe, also are ageless. But it is a fact that the world is constantly changing. It is always a challenge for the Christians to cope with the change, but at the same time hold on to the Christian principles.

I. What is Change? Change can mean the process of becoming different. It can be an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another. Are you subject to change? Are you willing to change? Are you a catalyst of change?

All living organisms, as a sign of growth, are subject to change. Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown. Any change is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. One who cannot change his mind and will not change the subject is a fanatic- said Winston Churchill. Reinold Neighbour prayed: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

We live in a rapidly changing world. All humans are subject to change. The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to particular mood of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form with out being disappointed by the very change.

II. The Word of God The theme is drawing our attention to the Word of God. Is the Word changing or unchanging? The Word is taken here as the Holy Bible. The word Bible means The Book. It contains 66 books with rich variety and written by several people. We all know that the Bible has different translations and the original books are written in different languages. The canonisation of the Holy Bible was a long process from 15 century BC to 5th century AD. The 39 books of the O T was canonised by the Jewish community at Jamia in AD 90. The 27 books of the N T was canonised first at the Council of Carthage in AD 397. This was reaffirmed by the council of Hippo later. There is a central message passing through all the 66 books in the Bible. That is the Word of God. This Word is understood through the words in the Bible. The Bible, therefore, is the Word of God. It is an expression of God Himself. It is God’s Word. St Paul writing to Timothy says: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God….”(2 Tim 3:16)

God is one who reveals. He reveals through all his creations (Psalms 19).He reveals in time ( from time to time) and in space (from place to place). We can understand God only through what he has revealed. The Holy Scripture helps us to understand God’s revelation. God is not exhausted by our understanding. He is such a Great God.

Why is the Word given? It is given to listen, to read, to understand, to reflect, to respond and to become part of it. We are tempted to approach the Bible objectively. But remember that this book is a book ‘that reads you and me’. When we understand the Holy Bible as the Word of God our approach should be different. What we need is a subjective experience where I – it relationship is reduced to zero.

There is a mystery element in the Word of God. It is beyond human discovery. For example, Philip explaining the word to the eunuch of Ethiopia (Acts 8:26ff) Here the Holy Spirit helps us to understand it. The Word of God throws light in the lives of humans for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, to be profitable for doctrine, that the humans may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”(2 Tim 3:16)

God is one who communicates. The Old testament is full of narrations where God spoke to humans through his Word. We also understand that God’s word came to His people through the (1)written Word (2) the law and (3)through the prophets (chosen people of God). Ultimately God spoke to us through his son Jesus Christ. The book of Hebrews speaks of God’s supreme revelation as : “God, who at various times and in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by His son…” ( Heb 1:1-2)

St. John speaking about God’s incarnation wrote “ the Word became flesh..,”( John 1: 1-18). The infinite God became finite. Verse 14 says “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.” The Holy Bible itself does not give us the salvation – but the incarnated Lord does. The Words of the Bible take us to God revealed in Jesus Christ. The word points to a person- He is the saviour of the world. This Word is unchanging. “He is the same yesterday, today and for ever.” (Heb 13:8)

Is the Word Changing or unchanging? Human language has limitations. Our knowledge of the word is relative and subject to change. It is in this context that we need to understand the concept of re-reading the Scriptures. There is difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is what we know and wisdom is the right application of what we know. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Committing our way to God is wisdom and continued trust in Him will help us see, develop, and grow. Our God is an unchanging God. An old chorus says: He cannot fail for He is God; He cannot fail for He pledged His Word. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself. The principles laid in the Bible are ageless. The Holy Spirit helps us in our discernment. This discerning eye sees the glory of God in the ordinary. We discover God in the common place. We understand God as a person because He thinks, reasons, feels, judges, chooses and communicates. We have seen before, that God is the subject. Unless our thoughts are guided and constantly corrected by God through His Word we will go astray. We are called to walk in God’s way by the light we see form the Word. A true spirituality expressed in Christian Discipleship needs maturity in God by holding the Word of God and receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The unchanging Word has the Sanatana Dharma(Eternal Truth).

III. The Changing World This study is not an attempt to list out the changes in the world, but how will you understand the world that is changing. The world manifests God. There is the created world (Isaiah 42:1-9, Psalm 33:6) and the inhabited world. The Psalmists says “ the earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness, and the world and who dwell therein” (Ps 24:1-2). He exclaims “How great thou art” when he sees the manifestation of God in the World. In the beginning God… says the Bible. We need to focus on God in order to understand the created world. We understand in Jesus Christ that God has taken the world seriously. God so loved the world…. (John 3:16). When God is at our primary focus we will understand the world properly.

We are in the world. Our life on earth is a plan of God. St. Paul says that we are chosen in Christ before the creation of the world. (Eph 1:4).So life in the world is to be taken seriously. It has pleased God to entrust the earth, with all its wealth and wonder, to human kind. The world is to be enriched by our lives. Humans are to guard and cultivate the garden. Hence the ecological balance and eco-justice fall under human responsibility. It is a divine mandate. The fullness of God’s glory in the world is to be manifested through God’s people. 2 Tim 3:16 says “…….that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work”

The Word also cautions us not to be worldly. St. Paul says in Romans 12:2 : do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Attachment, unjust action and exploitation come when humans forget the God given responsibility to choose good over evil. When we marginalise God by our self-interest and forget to love and care fellow beings the ‘me’ in me is glorified and Christ is crucified.’ Christ in his high priestly prayer asks God not to take us away from the world but to keep us safe form the viles of the evil one.( John 17:15) Therefore we need redemption from the evil and evil forces. Our being with the living God and growing in Him means to be a blessing to the world and to the generations. The word of God helps us to this end.

The world is constantly changing. Change is inevitable. Human beings are commissioned to give meaning and direction to the change. Change can be for better or worse. Man is expected to direct the change for the better. The challenges of change are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront our generation and realise that we have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible in shaping the future. The Word of God equips us for every good work.(Mt: 5:48)

IV. The role of the Word in the changing world

The Word of God helps us to choose and be responsible. Psalm 1 speaks of the righteous and the ungodly. It says that the ways of the ungodly shall perish and that the righteous will flourish like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Christian life is to be dynamic and responsible. As St. Paul says we are rooted in Christ and we grow in him.(Col 2:6-7).Christ suffers with his people and with the whole creation. He pleads again and again for the redemption of the whole creation. The whole creation also groans for the redemption. So our spiritual struggle is not against our fellow beings but against the evil forces that stand on the way of the redemption God has planned in Jesus Christ.( Eph 6:12) The energy of Christ( the power of Christ’s resurrection) works within us and through us, to work with Christ for the establishment of His Kingdom. (Col 1:29). As a collective body, the Church, we struggle with Christ for the liberation of God’s creation. (Col 1:24)

When we understand that God is in charge we won’t panic every time we open the News paper or watch the News. We won’t give up hope when we face evils such as terrorism, disease or murders. We will not insulate us from the feelings of hurt, grief and sorrow of this world. The better we know the Word of God the clearer will be our perspective of the world. God’s Word guides our life. Job says ‘He knows the way that I take…’(Job 23:10). St. Peter says to the resurrected Jesus “Lord you know all things; you know that I love you” John 21:17. The word of God helps us to know God revealed in Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6). Our life in the changing world will be a growth in Jesus Christ. When we refuse to accept God’s way, His wrath is the consequence. ( 2 Chron 34:21)The changing world looks up to us and we should prove to be towers of hope. We are the only Bible(the word of God) which some people can and will read. Let us not forget that we are placed in the world to be manifestations of God’s love. We reveal the Word that became flesh.

It is a challenge for the Christians to cope with the change. The unchanging Word of God helps us not to conform to this world but to be a source of transformation. Psalmist says “Your words I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You” (Ps 119:11) God’s love revealed in Christ binds us together. It is in relationship that we become a source of transformation. To be, is to be in relationship. God made us for relationships and it is His will that we cultivate a circle of friends, a community. God’s commandments to love God and to love one’s neighbour is speaking about relationship. Jesus also commanded us to love one another as He has loved us.( John 13:34) So relationship in all its forms is the art of going out of oneself and appreciating others as much as you appreciate your own self. Friendship is knitting of one’s soul with another so that both become stronger and better by virtue of their relationship. A friendship can be exhilarating, exciting and at times exhausting. But it can also open up new possibilities, new trails, new adventures, new territories and new continents.

The Word of God is redemptive and at the same time judgemental. The Word of God helps us to know that the Almighty God is powerful not only in creation and preservation, but that he is also powerful in judgement. The Word of God is like a two edged sword. As we traverse through the changing world, the Word of God helps us to be Holy as God is Holy. (Lev 11:44). The Word of God clearly reveals that. God in Jesus Christ wants to hold all things together in the Kingdom of God. (Col 1:17, Eph 1:10). Therefore it is always challenging for us who are living in this world to cope with the change but at the same time hold on to the promises of the unchanging Word.

Though the world changes, the Word of God is true and eternal.

Mar Theodosius