Ministry in the Global World
The Diocese of North America & Europe will be hosting several conferences between July and November 2009. On behalf of the Diocese, I appreciate the hard work of our Achens and lay leaders in organizing these conferences and thank them for the same. These conferences will give our Achens and parish members an opportunity to set apart time for worship, devotion, prayer, study, discussions and fellowship. I encourage all our members to prayerfully participate in at least one of the conferences (see details given below) for an enriching experience and for empowerment to provide able leadership in God-given mission and ministry of the church. It is the great love of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ that motivates us for responsible leadership in the world. The Sermon on the Mount reminds us that we are the ‘salt of the earth’ and ‘light of the world’. This is possible only by being responsive to the needs, concerns and interests of those in the world. When we take the world seriously, which we are called to do, we cannot let the process of disintegration take place in the inhabited world or exploit it by the powers of darkness.
The Church in the 21st century is perplexed by the phenomenon of a rapid deconstruction of the traditional family structure. Change is inevitable, but how do we understand and translate changes to our living context? There is a diversity of perspectives on contemporary family issues that are influenced by media, trade, encounters, migration and the like. The process of globalization with its merits and de-merits cannot be ignored. On the one hand these changes enrich us and on the other hand they challenge all humans irrespective of gender, age, race and culture. The challenge before the church is to take on a new model of responsible leadership and servant hood that would be appropriate for the various experiences of human hood.
It is important, therefore, for us to re-read the Bible and to understand specifically the divine will for each of us. It will help us to re-view, re-think and re-act (response in action). I pray that the conferences will sharpen our sensitivity to identify irresponsible and unjust leadership and abuse of power in the world around us. I hope that the conferences will also help us and our parishes to act as responsible stewards of God in the responsible management of public, private and natural resources for the common good. This is the servant ministry of the church in the neighborhood and in the global world.
Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episocopa