Thirumani arrived at Bethany on 16th Saturday at 6. PM. We had a wonderful get together with children, youth and Young Family and BBQ together. We had a meeting at the ground where we had interaction, fellowship and sharing. Thirumani expressed his concern and he appreciated the youth for their hard work in taking up the project of Bethany Beautification programme and completing it. Programme convener Mr. Rex Varghese explained about the project in the church compound and how they could collect the amount with co-operation of all group of people in the parish and outside. Youth and children expressed their joy and gratitude to Thitumani for spending time with them.
Sunday at 9.30. AM we had Holy communion in English. Six children participated in the first communion. They had special service and prayers. Their parents, God fathers and mothers, relatives , friends and parish members participated in the service.
After the Holy Communion there was a program for Fathers’ day. Sunday school children conducted special programme for the fathers. Children expressed their gratitude and thankfulness to all Fathers’ through their special programme. Gifts were given.
As the Youth of Bethany took up the project of ” Bethany beatification programme” to make use of the compound for all age groups they mad different things in the compound.
1. ‘ Bethany age of rock’: A hard stone in the compound was placed in one of the corners of the backyard, painted it and put the hand print of Thirumani, Achen and all the children and youth. It will be known as Bethany age of rock to last for long years.
It was the dream of our Youth to have playing court in our premises. So the parish made a multipurpose court, which can be used for Basket Ball, Volley Ball and Tennis. Thirumani inaugurated the court.
For Children, made a children’s park and playing place with different things, which was inaugurated by Thirumani.
For seniors meditation prayer and fellowship, we constructed a ‘gazebo’ it was the hard work of our youth day and night, Thirumani inaugurated the Gazebo. There is Vegetable garden and flower garden also in the compound, all together looks nice and beautiful. We had fellowship lunch at the Church.
After noon at 4.30.PM we had an ecumenical meeting which is known as ‘ Joint Council of Churches of Rockland’ We had the unity Sunday worship and celebration together with other Churches in Rockland . Mar Theodosius was the chief gust .
There was the Arch Bishop of Jacobite Church of American Diocese Eldo Mar Theethos Metropolitan and CNI Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. George Ninan. Theodosius Thirumani gave the inaugural address, where he emphasis the need for unity and commitment to service to the community. Ecumenical Choir sang songs. There was fellowship dinner.
Altogether Thirumani’s visit was blessed and enriching experience. We thank Thirumani for his fellowship and visit.
Rev. Varghese George