San Antonio Visit

ALAMO and Sea World are two important places of tourists’ attraction in San Antanio. A visit was organized on June 6th, 2012. It started with a Riverside boat ride at down town.
Today Alamo stands as a symbol of freedom. It unveils its history. The people in Alamo rallied together to defend the place and community when Santa Anna’s Mexican army came to capture it in 1836. The people of Alamo paid their lives in a thirteen day battle with courage and valor. Travis, Esparza, Bowie, Bonham, Losoya and Crockett are some of the men who decided to fight against the overwhelming odds and assurance of impending death. The battle cry, ‘Remember the Alamo’ lives on today and resonates in the struggle for freedom around the world. This battle in Texas History can now be seen through a show on IMAX screen.
The Sea World
Apart from the sea world in Florida and California, there is one in San Antanio. There are various features that attract the tourists to spend a full day or more to see, enjoy and experience.
The Beluga interaction , Sea Lion interaction, Penguin interaction are some of the things you have in the Sea World to get closer to sea animals.
One can enter into the playful world of Dolphins where a show is arranged with acrobats.
Shamu Show is a new event with music where majestic killer whales take you to a new experience of water play, splashing water on all with the rhythms of dancing fountains. This’ One Ocean, One World’ presentation is informative and entertaining.
Journey to Atlantis is part roller coaster and part water ride. This exhilarating journey from start to finish gives you an experience of going up very high and plunging into water at 49mph. Children can also have big fun on Shamu- Express which is a kid-size coaster.
Sesame Street Bay of Play has 4D movie with furry friends who entertain all ,especially children. There are enough play grounds for children, parks, number of restaurants to satisfy one’s appetite, enough shops to collect souvenirs.
In short, in AQUATICA, Sea World’s water park in San Antonio, you will find lots of fun at every corner.
Mar Theodosius