St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Dallas

Mar Theodosius, the Diocesan Episcopa visited St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Dallas on March 24 and 25, 2012. The Holy Qurbana service was celebrated at the Church on Sunday at 9. 30 a. m. The service was assisted by the Vicar Rev. A. P. Noble and the Youth Chaplain of North East Region Rev. Biju P. Simon. During the Service Tirumeni gave the devotional message based on Mark 10: 46-52.
There were 13 first communicants prepared by the Vicar for the dedication service and for participating in the Holy Qurbana. Mar Theodosius led the service and blessed each first communicant.
The assembled congregation welcomed and congratulated them. There were a large number to participate in the Holy Qurbana, apart from the parents and god-parents of the first communicants.
The Vicar and the Secretary welcomed the Diocesan Bishop at a meeting after the service. The first communicants were felicitated. They were given copies of the Holy Bible, certificate and greeting card. There was fellowship lunch after the Kaimuth service.
The members of the parish choir assisted the service with appropriate hymns for the Holy Qurbana and lent season.
The Diocesan Bishop met the members of the Parish committee, conducted a baptism and a house warming service. His Lordship also found time on Saturday and Sunday to visit some members who are seriously ill and to pray for them.
Rev. A. P. Noble