A brief report of Goa Centre family conference


Respected Thirumeni,
The family conference of Goa centre was held on 2nd September 2019. St. Thomas MTC Panjim hosted the program. Mr. Jiby Thomas Kuruvilla was the main speaker. He took encouraging and informative sessions on the topic “ Grace in Christian families” . The session continued with 2 sub topics, namely grace in the life of married couple and grace in parent child relationship. From the four parishes of Goa around 140 (including children) participants attended the conference. Classes ended with a positive interactive session. Some of our members found time to interact personally with the resource person. Rev. Jinu Daniel from Ponda MTC and Rev. Shiju K. Abraham from Ankola MTC also attended the conference. Thank you Thirumeni for giving us the opportunity to conduct a wonderful conference. We thankfully remember the guidance and coordination of Rev. Dr. John Joseph Achen for this conference.

Thanking you
In Christ Ministry

Rev. Sheejo M. Abraham
Panjim, Goa.